Ice Duration

About Lake Ice Data

The lake ice data you can find here is almost entirely collected by community scientists and submitted to the Minnesota DNR. The definition of when lake ice comes on or goes off varies from lake to lake. Some reporters consider lake ice to be off when the lake is 100% ice free, while others consider ice to be off when certain sections of the lake are navigable by boats. The important thing is that observers use consistent criteria when determining when lake ice goes on or comes off. Community scientist reporting lake ice data allows for observations on many more lakes then researchers would be able to record!

Ice Duration Histogram

Spatial Scatterplot of Mean Ice Duration

Ice Data Submission

Scroll around and checkout lakes you know! Don’t see your lake? Consider submitting ice data from your lake to the Minnesota DNR Climatology Office. All you need to do is post the Lake name, county and date on the MN DNR Climatology Facebook Page.


Ice-On Data Histogram

Spatial Scatterplot of Ice-On


Ice-Off Histogram

Spatial Scatterplot of Mean Ice-On